Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1677
Carbon of a letter from Heath to James C. Ingebretsen, Campbel House, PO Box 877, San Jacinto, California.
October 6, 1959
Dear Mr. Ingebretsen:
Ever since my return East it has been on my mind to send you some suitable appreciation of your kind attentions and good fellowship during my summer visit to California. It was indeed an inspiration to meet you and Mrs. Ingbretsen and your happy associates both at Campbell House and at your beautiful home in Palos Verdes and to enjoy your many hospitalities, including especially those of your spirit and mind.
Your happy illumination of matter-of-fact, down to earth libertarian economics by development of and accent on its humanly creative and thereby spiritual aspects must soon or late infuse its clear thinkers with an emotional fervor, a religious passion without which there can be but little spreading of the light or wide acclaim.
A great new age surely will dawn when it comes to be better recognized that religion in its outward and practical aspects is social even more than it is individual and that the creative spirit manifests itself not alone in religious behavior consciously as such, but in all the creative, harmonious and non-political processes among men — that freedom is the touchstone and that free enterprise, impersonal and thereby universal, is our widest present manifestation of the divine.
My own most special interest, as you know, is in discovering to as many as I can the imminent present potentials of that divine manifestation in our voluntary, non-political and supposedly secular affairs — that kingdom of heaven that is in our midst and the conscious practice and joyous extension of which is, both socially and individually, to be born again.
Many blessings on your “mobilization of the spirit” not to wage any war but to develop understanding of our common voluntary affairs in their spiritual significance towards the realization of both individual and social ideals.
With a thousand best wishes,
Cordially yours,
I am returning to California this fall or early winter for some scheduled faculty talks and discussions and am happy in the thought of some possible further association with you.
Encls: The Inspiration of Beauty
Trojan Horse of Land Reform
Society and Its Services
Notes on the Organization of Real Estate
Statement of Purposes of
The Science of Society Foundation
Title | Correspondence - 1677 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 11:1500-1710 |
Document number | 1677 |
Date / Year | 1959-10-06 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | James C. Ingebretsen |
Description | Carbon of a letter from Heath to James C. Ingebretsen, Campbel House, PO Box 877, San Jacinto, California |
Keywords | Religion Free Enterprise |