Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1685
Carbon of a letter from Heath to Admiral Ben Moreell, Park Mansions, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Dear Admiral Moreell:
At this beginning of a new year, it gives me a special pleasure to extend to you the customary greetings.
I have enjoyed my reading of The Admiral’s Log, and I trust the public will have the benefit of much more from your pen. Considering the flood of red and near-red propaganda, there is certainly much need. Especially, in addition to a mere resistance to the undermining of freedom by proliferation of government, I feel that we must seek fuller understanding of our free enterprise system as an ideology that is on the march towards a genuine Utopian goal.
Capitalism is not a finished product. Historically, free enterprise has only just begun — the beginning of a long-delayed fulfillment of the Palestinian vision of abundant life and length of days. When we catch the vision of what freedom has in store, then we as well as the communists will have our transcendent goal, a vision that will be realized because implemented by freedom and thus sanctioned in the Divine.
I think that you will be happy to note that my Citadel, Market and Altar has met with some cordial reception both here and abroad, as indicated by the enclosed printed material, although it has had but little general circulation as yet.
I hope the world political situation has not been discouraging to you, in view of the long-term movements in history which constitute the general trend.
These are parlous days, but in freedom we have the secret of many happy new years.
Sincerely yours,
SH/m Spencer Heath
Title | Correspondence - 1685 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 11:1500-1710 |
Document number | 1685 |
Date / Year | 1959 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Ben Moreell |
Description | Carbon of a letter from Heath to Admiral Ben Moreell, Park Mansions, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |
Keywords | Capitalism Vision |