Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1714
Penned notes for a letter to Fritz L. Kunz, Editor, Main Currents, Hillandale, Port Chester, New York
December, 196l?
Dear Dr. Kunz:
I am grateful for your kind note of December 24 and am much impressed by your query as to the connection between the principle of the Golden Rule and its actual application in our society today. The question is not how it can be applied but how it, to a great degree, actually is applied in all our non-political affairs. Once the operation of this Golden Rule principle of contract — of doing unto all others as we would be done by — is recognized in the normal (life-serving) operation of our voluntary free enterprise system, it becomes obvious that it can extend and already is quietly growing and extending itself into the field of common and public services by the organization and operation, far and wide, of self-sustaining proprietary communities supplying the common basic needs of their inhabitants without resort to taxation for that purpose and to the great profit and advantage to all concerned. The basic principles of this burgeoning proprietary system are laid down in almost every precept and parable in the New Testament and practiced, albeit unknowingly, wherever assembled properties are administered for the benefit of others in such manner as to induce equivalent or corresponding benefits or values in return.
This Christian principle of free enterprise from the New Testament point of view was urged upon the Christian Freedom Foundation in a short address delivered at their Annual Meeting in 1957, copy of which I enclose. Also a fairly complete exposition of the whole principle is given in my ….
Title | Correspondence - 1714 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 12:1711-1879 |
Document number | 1714 |
Date / Year | 1937-12-01 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Fritz L. Kunz |
Description | Penned notes for a letter to Fritz L. Kunz, Editor, Main Currents, Hillandale, Port Chester, New York |
Keywords | Religion Society |