Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1735
Dictation to Spencer MacCallum for a projected letter to Russell Kirk on the subject of his article, “The American Intellectual: A Conservative View”
No date
Dear Dr. Kirk:
On a second and more careful reading than the first time, I am considerably instructed, and not a little titillated, by your information and animadversions concerning that both feral and puerile species of mentality, the American “intellectual.” — Or perhaps more properly, intellectualoid, the alloy being fairly well hinted at in your delectable phrase, “defecated rationality,” which you so closely, and I think aptly, associate with the name of Mr. Arthur M. Schlessinger, Jr.
Your paper opens and closes with the names of two excellent examples, but I fear a little too leniently in the case of Lord Russell, who I suppose may be excused in view of his reputedly solid achievements in the field of mathematics, while flying pretty wide of the mark, so far as I can see, in his otherwise pretty irresponsible divagations.
Anyhow, your paper is good fun and good reading, and I want you to know that it strikes me that way. Many thanks for sending it to me.
/The letter was not sent; the following thoughts in Heath’s handwriting were intended to be worked into it before mailing:/
Yet in full candor I cannot deny a tinge of suspicion as to the immediate or ultimate objects in this world before which “reason with humility and duty” must so reverently bow.
. . .as having lost all nutritive substance and only fit to be cast off. /Referring, of course, is to the phrase,
“defecated rationality.”/
Title | Correspondence - 1735 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 12:1711-1879 |
Document number | 1735 |
Date / Year | |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Russell Kirk |
Description | Dictation to Spencer MacCallum for a projected letter to Russell Kirk on the subject of his article, "The American Intellectual: A Conservative View" |
Keywords | Conservatism Schlessinge |