Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1756
Penned notes for communication to Felix Morley
January 1960
Deeply appreciating your kind imputation of importance to my eighty-fourth anniversary and recognizing your vast seniority in lore and learning concerning federalism and Roman-type republicanism, yet my own trust is in the present growing but not yet widely observed re-emergence of proprietary, profitable and thus viable public administration in lieu of political coercive and thus eventually lethal public administration.
Spencer Heath
/Another version:/
Many thanks for your kind imputation of importance to my turning into another year for the eighty-fourth time intending to annex a whole new year and not merely add-an-hour like my very great and crotchety /?/ German contemporary to whom I am vastly junior in terms of political achievement as I am to you in terms of political research and examination.
Based on the doubtful premise that a public authority depending wholly or mainly upon force and intimidation for its very existence and all its powers, whether to serve or to destroy, can continue indefinitely
To those who believe that any public authority wholly or mainly dependent on force and intimidation of those subject to it can be so cunningly devised and circumscribed that it cannot or will not, soon or late, so aggrandize itself as to destroy completely the economy that it must pervert and disturb — to those who so believe — and they are many — your thorough and brilliant study and exposition of the 18th and 19th century of American Federalism should be a present-day beacon of hope
Title | Correspondence - 1756 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 12:1711-1879 |
Document number | 1756 |
Date / Year | 1960-01-01 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Felix Morley |
Description | Government, Federalism |
Keywords | Government Federalism |