Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1801
Penned notes for a letter to John L. Davis, President, Chapman College, Orange CA, enclosing suggestions for a proposed letter to Jawaharlal Nehru conveying a gift of Citadel, Market & Altar.
December 1959?
Dear Dr. Davis:
Out of your wonderful letter of the 15th just one point for the present — the matter of sending a book to J. Nehru of India. Men who are much in the public eye do not even see or acknowledge, much less read anything that comes to them unaccredited or from an unknown source. They are like the publishers who never read a manuscript from any author who is unknown. The book, “CM&A,” should be sent to Mr. Nehru with recommendation from someone who stands high in his knowledge or esteem. If I were such a person (a Schweitzer, for example) or even sponsored by such a person, I would write to Mr. Nehru somewhat as indicated by the draft enclosed.
Honorable Sir:
I shall be most happy to send to Mr. Nehru if or when I can do so in such a manner that it would be likely to reach him and command, even though it might be unfavorably, his personal attention.
Vast numbers of informed and intelligent people in America and in the world applaud your noble desire to lift up the masses of your people into richer and more abundant lives.
Many of us, however, do not believe that to do this there is any need to abolish the free-enterprise Capitalist system as it is practiced extensively, although imperfectly in the world of the West. On the contrary, we believe it is imperfectly practiced only because it is imperfectly understood.
The accompanying volume, Citadel, Market & Altar, herewith presented to you, is believed to set out the basic rationality and the high spiritual potentialities of the free and voluntary non-political system. It is presented to you in the hope that it may bring aid to your thought and more strength to your heart in your labors for your people and for mankind.
Title | Correspondence - 1801 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 12:1711-1879 |
Document number | 1801 |
Date / Year | 1959-12-01 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | John L. Davis |
Description | Penned notes for a letter to John L. Davis, President, Chapman College, Orange CA, enclosing suggestions for a proposed letter to Jawaharlal Nehru conveying a gift of Citadel, Market & Altar |
Keywords | Capitalism |