Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1817
Dictation to Spencer MacCallum for letter to Edgar Zilsel
No date
Dear Dr. Zilsel:
I have recently had occasion to re-read two articles of yours which were reprinted from The Journal of the History of Ideas, January 1940, and from Philosophy of Science, January 1940, copies of which you very kindly presented to me with your regards. I am not sure whether I expressed my appreciation or other comment at the time, but whether I did or not, I am happy at the present time to give you my happy comment and appreciation.
Both articles, entirely apart from their subject matter, reveal a well-informed and very finely functioning, creative mind. But the article from Philosophy and Science, “Historical and Biological Evolution,” is extremely significant for modern times. It ventures to cross the line that has so long separated biological from social science and kept the latter in a state of arrested development. I should be happy to know what further contribution you have made, during all these years, in the same direction.
Trusting that all has been well with you with the passing of the years, I remain
Sincerely yours,
Spencer Heath