Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1824
Penned notes for a letter to R.C. Hoiles, editor of the Santa Ana Register, Santa Ana, California
Dear Mr. Hoiles:
Soon returning East after almost three months in Southern California, I am glad to make this acknowledgment of the courtesies you and The Register have extended to me. I was happy that you and your staff in your splendid new home should be the first among many congenial-minded persons who have greeted me and made my visit memorable in these parts.
In this city of Santa Ana, where through the vision of my well remembered associate and friend, Glenn Martin, the nation’s great airplane industry most notably began, it is fitting for me to acknowledge and appreciate the fine recognition that you, through all your Freedom Papers, have given to my book, Citadel, Market & Altar, as the harbinger of another and much greater advance in the mode of civilized life. I refer to the coming transformation of our towns and cities and our great metropolitan regions from racket-ridden centers of political ineptitude and corruption into properly and profitably organized profit-making agencies of public service to the inhabitants — from policing against all forms of violence to the providing of all the other common and necessary facilities of community life.
A “pilot plant” for this new and potentially unlimited non-political public industry having all its revenues as voluntary payments for services performed, is exhibited on a small scale in the administration of any good hotel and its out-of-doors appurtenances and in all similarly organized properties where common services and facilities are provided in situ to all who wish to pay the market value of their occupancy or use. This includes the now rapidly growing network of elaborate residence, industrial, commercial and retail shopping communities.
Practically all these operate on the same organizational plan and are blazing the way towards a truly free and productive society /that/ can dispense with taxation and war.
With highest kind regards,
Title | Correspondence - 1824 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 12:1711-1879 |
Document number | 1824 |
Date / Year | 1959? |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | R. C. Hoiles |
Description | Penned notes for a letter to R.C. Hoiles, editor of the Santa Ana Register, Santa Ana, California |
Keywords | Real Estate Society Evolving |