
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 2194

Random taping of Heath by Spencer MacCallum at a seminar at the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), Irvington, New York

June 26, 1957


Everybody seems to want equality with everybody else. Very fortunately, they don’t get it. Because if we would all be equal, we couldn’t do very much for each other.

 There is, however, one kind and only one kind of equality that is serviceable to us. That is, equality of authority. Not equality of authority over others, because then theirs wouldn’t be equal to ours, but equality over our own persons and our own property and possessions — equality of that authority. When we have that, then we can all work with each other to the best growth and the best advantage.



/Not clear why the duplication of thought here. Apparently conversation with MacCallum:/

 Fortunately, we never can get it. But there is one kind of equality which we all need, and the only kind that can really serve us all. That is, equality of authority over our persons and our properties and possessions, and no other equality. That’s freedom. We don’t have any other equality; it wouldn’t do us any good if we had it.

/”There is equality before the law, for instance…”/

…Before anything — in the market place. We have equality of

authority over what we offer.


 Structural differentiation is pre-requisite to functional integration.




Title Conversation - 2194
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Conversation
Box number 15:2181-2410
Document number 2194
Date / Year 1957-06-26
Authors / Creators / Correspondents
Description Random taping of Heath by Spencer MacCallum at a seminar at the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), Irvington, New York
Keywords Equality