
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 2269

Letter to Heath at 312 Halesworth St., Santa Ana, California, from Harold B. Fasnacht, President, La Verne College, La Verne, California, February 3, 1962, and follow-up letter from Lorraine F. Tilden, 351 Oakdale Drive, Claremont, California, March 9, 1962


Dear Mr. Heath:

I want to express my gratitude again, Mr. Heath, for your visit to my office several weeks ago. Your conversation was refreshing and your insights were unusually inspiring. Certainly the breadth of experience you have had have kept you alert to the many, many forces alive in the world today. And your experiences bear witness to the thoughtful approach you have given to them.

Your synthesis of the several fields of science and philosophy is intriguing. Certainly you are arousing our thoughtless lethargy and stretching our imaginations in this approach. It was good to listen.

I hesitate to mention the following, but will do so, with the assurance to you that you may respond in whatever way you feel.

On Friday evening, March 16, at 6:30, La Verne College will have its annual New Era Banquet. This affair, which each year draws a crowd of about 1000 persons, is a sort of achievement and report dinner. We invite alumni, parents, corporation executives, educators, church leaders, donors, who are friends of the College. Specifically, we extend invitations first to those who have made contributions to the College during the past year.

In addition, however, we invite a number of others who are influential in the several fields of public endeavor: civic officials, school heads, etc., whom we like to have among us. It is not a money-raising event — no offering or subscription is taken — we just report to our constituency. It is a gala event featuring an address, music by our choir, and the report.  Dr. Norman Baugher, who has just returned from an around-the-world tour to Moscow, New Delhi, Indonesia and Hong Kong, will be the speaker.

I would like to have you as my guest that evening — it would give you further understanding of the great institution we have in this little campus. You could be anonymous, I could invite Willard Buck to be with you, and you might enjoy this, one of the greatest events annually in Southern California. As the date approaches, I will write you again for your response.

Best wishes,

/s/ HD Fasnacht, President





Spencer Heath Archive

Item 2269

Letter to Heath from Lorraine F. Tilden,

351 Oakdale Drive, Claremont, California

March 9, 1962



Dear Spencer Heath:


A member of the President’s Council of La Verne College has phoned me to ask if you would like to be a guest of the College at the “New Era” Banquet on Friday evening, March 16, at 6:50 P.M. The Banquet is to be held at the College Church Fellowship Hall.


This is the most important affair at La Verne College each year. (It is a $100.00 a plate dinner to those who are not guests of the College. You are lucky!)


You are welcome to stay with us over the weekend, if you wish to do so.  I could drive you back to Santa Ana on Monday, March 19, as I have no classes that day.


You may wish to schedule something in Claremont over that week­end, if you choose to stay with us. However, if you do, please plan to have tea with us at 4 P.M. on Sunday, March 18. Priscilla Neff is coming, and I know you would find her a delight. She is Director of the Claremont University College Curriculum Laboratory. Priscilla comes from Massachusetts, she has a re­markable background, and is very bright.


I have been trying to get down to have lunch with Mrs. Grace Tilden in Riverside. Perhaps on Monday, March 19, I could re­turn you to Santa Ana by way of Riverside, and we could both have lunch with her. She would be so glad to see you again. She wrote at Christmas saying she wished she had your address, as she wanted to send you a Christmas card.


Do feel free to schedule any social events for yourself, if you do stay with us over the weekend of March 16-19. I know you have many friends in Claremont, and this will give you another chance to see your grandson.


Do phone soon to let us know whether or not you are interested in visiting us and in attending the Banquet. People who have gone in previous years say the food is delicious, and the pro­gram always outstanding.


Speaker this year is Dr. Norman Baugher, General Secretary of the Church of the Brethren General Board. He has just returned from a round-the-world tour which included Moscow, India, Indo­nesia and Hong Kong.


Hope you are feeling chipper, and that things are going well for you. We hope to see you soon.



/s/ Lorraine F. Tilden

National 6-3168




Title Correspondence - 2269
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Correspondence
Box number 15:2181-2410
Document number 2269
Date / Year 1962-03-09
Authors / Creators / Correspondents Harold B. Fasnacht
Description Letter to Heath at 312 Halesworth St., Santa Ana, California, from Harold B. Fasnacht, President, La Verne College, La Verne, California, February 3, 1962, and follow-up letter from Lorraine F. Tilden, 351 Oakdale Drive, Claremont, California
Keywords Biography La Verne College Tilden