
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 2772

Pencil drafting on notepad paper for a letter to Bernard Baruch, followed by fragment of a penciled draft by Heath on different notepad paper of a letter of appreciation to Louis H. Solomon for making the contact. Reference to “ten copies in fictional form” has to do with The Romance of Realty.

No date



Some time ago during Mr. Churchill’s visit my legal counselor and friend Louis H. Solomon said to me at dinner in effect,

“Radical advances in any field of thought are rarely at first recognized by the professional practitioners, but Bernard Baruch has a mind that can grasp the significance of what you have done.” He went on warmly to state his resolve to __________ once and invite your attention, immediately your world-famed visitor should be gone, — but his schedule has been too congested day by day. May I not be bold to circumvent this “________?”


 Will you lunch or dine with me on Wednesday or Friday of this present week at, say, the Savoy Plaza or other convenient place? I will call for you, if I may.




                                 Spencer Heath



P.S. My phone in New York is GRamercy7-9060. Mornings preferred.







Dear Mr. Baruch:


Some time ago a good friend of mine, Louis H. Solomon, a very busy and successful lawyer, told me, “Bernard Baruch has the mind that can grasp the significance of what you have done.” He went on warmly to say, “I will renew my acquaintance with Mr. Baruch and draw his attention your way.”





/Fragment of penciled draft by Heath of letter to Louis H. Solomon:/



…despite persistence of the ancient coercive and therefore essentially totalitarian political forms.


 It has been my work to expose the distinctive rationale underlying the empirical practices through which the organic society functions and to predict the spontaneous free enterprise technology of social advance that becomes obvious and available as its fundamental rationale is disclosed. Upon the latter point I am including ten copies in fictional form of my anticipations of societal advance in New York City by extension of the free enterprise technology into the public domain. I have considered including this as a supplementary annex to my principal manuscript but feel that the second half of it could be very much strengthened and improved.


 I can’t forbear happy anticipations with reference to your project of gaining the attention and enlisting the interest of Mr. Bernard Baruch in my social researches. Quite conceivably his reactions to your kind efforts might include a gratitude to you that would be exceeded only by my own.






 I enclose also a print of the little page and two other pages of a partial prospectus. Two other pages will be supplied later when prints have been made.





Title Correspondence - 2772
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Correspondence
Box number 17:2650-2844
Document number 2772
Date / Year
Authors / Creators / Correspondents Bernard Baruch
Description Pencil drafting on notepad paper for a letter to Bernard Baruch, followed by fragment of a penciled draft by Heath on different notepad paper of a letter of appreciation to Louis H. Solomon for making the contact. Reference to “ten copies in fictional form” has to do with The Romance of Realty.
Keywords Baruch