
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 2889

Verbatim notations in a pocket notebook by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath.

No date





You know that in a partnership, each partner gains in proportion to what he puts into the business. Did you know that the market makes everyone partners?


How it can be thought that anyone can gain from another’s loss, I don’t know.  /Except from political or other coercive intervention. -SM/


../political/ authority corrupted because distributors are not owners, and their personal interest not involved.


 ..either use /is/ distributed by /political/ authority, and /political/ authority is always corrupted, or distributed by private citizens who have no coercive authority but by popular tacit consent have absolute jurisdiction over their property — in this case land. They can either sell time-limited use or ownership outright to other private citizens. No authority to take from others; only way of benefiting self is by offering something to others that they will want. No authority..


/Edited:/ Individual has aspirations of longevity and gain, love and charity, derived from family organization, whose realization is in the realm of the physical community when universalized into service.


Either the use of wealth or services of whatever kind is distributed by political authority—and political authority is always corrupted—or it is distributed by private citizens, who have no coercive authority but by popular tacit consent have absolute jurisdiction over their property—in this case land. They can either sell time-limited use or ownership outright to other private citizens, but they have no authority to take from others; their only way of benefiting self is by offering something to others that they will want.2890 edited


Community must be described statistically, the individual specifically. How relate the two? /The/ individual has aspirations of longevity and gain, love and charity, derived from family organization, whose realization is in the realm of the physical community when universalized into service.


Title Conversation - 2889
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Conversation
Box number 18:2845-3030
Document number 2889
Date / Year
Authors / Creators / Correspondents
Description Verbatim notations in a pocket notebook by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath
Keywords Market Partners Community Individuals Ownership