Spencer Heath's
This book follows a basic philosophy of human life-fulfillment – progress. Its promise /premise?/ is that all organizations — inorganic, biologic, social — are, fundamentally, not structures but occurrences; not beings but happenings; not entities but events, the like kinds of which tend to recur in rhythmic succession (reproduction) and to organize in yet higher, more complex and more enduring structures or into other forms. Events taken inclusively are, in physics, action; in biology, life; and the succession of events constitutes the stream called time. Involved in every event is (l) substance, (2) activity, (3) duration, and the sum-total of all events is the Christian Trinity of Substance, Power and Eternity — the Absolute.
From amoeba to man, events otherwise similar are lower or higher — have degrees of Reality — proportionate to their duration. Those are most real which continue longest and survive.
In the non-political — the social — organization of men, their lives are most real, longest endure, most move towards fulfillment of their immortal dream.
Here is a constructive examination of the organic social organization that over centuries has evolved parallel to the modern political successors of “principalities and powers.”3152
Title | Book - 3152 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Book |
Box number | 19:3031-3184 |
Document number | 3152 |
Date / Year | 1954 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | |
Description | Typed page by Heath for publicizing Citadel, Market and Altar. |
Keywords | CMA Publicity Philosophy |