
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 3153

Several short transcriptions by Spencer MacCallum from conversations with Heath

No date





Contract is the middle term between freedom and ownership, the connecting link. Aristotle claimed that property was the surrogate of freedom. One of my chap­ter titles “Property, The Instrument of Freedom,” because without property there could be no contract and without contract there could be nothing but coercion between men in large numbers — always serving the biological group or groupings. As your critic always flares back, “Well, brothers and family members never flare back and they have no contract.” That is the realm of biology and not of any general society. That is where the bees and the birds and the flowers come in.




/Discussing advertising media for the Foundation on the road south from Mecosta, visiting with Russell Kirk, as recalled by Spencer MacCallum, July 17, 1954/


We have to appeal to above average minds; almost anyone can sympathize with and appreciate an attack on an existing order but it takes a pioneering mind to conceive of new ideas, a person who is indepen­dent of his intellectual environment as the pioneer was original and independent of his human or traditional influences on environment.




                          /Concerning stump fences in Mecosta                                  County/


 The cows come up against that and they’re stumped, are they?





If we could do everything, it wouldn’t matter what we did first, would it?




Do you know why the letter “Q” is like the Golden Rule?  -Because it has to be followed by you.




                               /Comment on Aunt Marguerite’s                                        setting up an electric fan/


That’s fancy.




                                     /At Elaine Howes’ in Pennington/


People don’t exercise power when they vote; they relinquish it. The mistaken notion that voting is an exercise of power.


Title Conversation - 3153
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Conversation
Box number 19:3031-3184
Document number 3153
Date / Year
Authors / Creators / Correspondents
Description Several short transcriptions by Spencer MacCallum from conversations with Heath
Keywords Contract Ownership Humor Voting Kirk