
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 3177

Typed transcriptions by Spencer MacCallum of two fragments by Heath and one recollection by MacCallum from conversation with Heath.

No date






“Citizen” means those people who exercise political authority, not those who submit to political authority. In this classical sense, we and the Romans have just kidded ourselves. We are subjects.  “Citizen” comes from “civil” and “citadel”, place of power — one who exercises power.                              

                               /Recalled from S.H./





May your mind not only abound and store up, not only consume and maintain, but transform and transcend, and, in transcending, create.





The present writing is based on the concept of the generations of man as successive energy waves, or events, each being the integration of (1) a mass (force or inertia) element or factor, (2) a motion or velocity element and (3) a time or duration factor, while these together constitute the _______ /illegible/ in which the similarly constituted individual lives, so far as they freely and reciprocally inter-function, constitute the Organic Society.


Title Conversation - 3177
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Conversation
Box number 19:3031-3184
Document number 3177
Date / Year
Authors / Creators / Correspondents
Description Typed transcriptions by Spencer MacCallum of two fragments by Heath and one recollection by MacCallum from conversation with Heath.
Keywords Citizen Blessing Population