Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 3194
Several drafts or finals of public discussion topics directed by Heath
Social Change and Growth and the Individual Life
From the Standpoint of a Dynamic Liberalism
- Society as a Super-Organism. — An emergence of Life from the Animal Level of Action to the Human or Capital Economy.
- The Sovereignty of a Society. — How it is Exercised and Apportioned over its Territory. Jurisdiction by Officers and Proprietors.
- Government as an Organ or Agent of Society for the Performance of Public Services. — The Creative side of Government.
- The Economic Functions of Society. — Mutual Exchange of Services. Capital the Instruments of and Vehicle for Conveying Services. Credit and Banking Functions Essential to Production and Keeping Accounts.
- Speculative Enterprise. — Pursuit of Vision. The Highest Type of Productive Activity.
6. Restrictionism and its Bitter Fruits. — Disemployment. Monopolies. Ultimate Scarcity of Consumers’ Goods. Price Inflation. Speculation. Credit Inflation. Collapse.
- The Capital Economy. — Its Two Grand Divisions, Public and Private. Its Immaturity and its Present Bondage.
- The Capital Economy Unbound. — Unrestricted Employment of Labor and Capital. Public and Private Finance. Public Administration Redeemed.
- The Double Heritage of Mankind. — The Animal and Destructive. The Distinctively human and Socially Creative.
- Wars as a Biologic Necessity Under Economic Repression. — The Animal Economy at its Highest Technique. Resistance vs. Non-Resistance.
- The Rhythm of Repression. — Absolutism to Parliamentarianism. Democracy to Dictatorship. “Our Enemy, the State.”
- Schopenhauer, Malthus and Ricardo. — Apostles of the Animal Economy. The “Dismal Science.”
- Henry George. – A Herald of the Social Dawn.
- Universal Freedom and the Aristocratic Ideal. The Quest of Gladstone and Carlyle.
- Egoism vs. Altruism. — Inadequate Social Organization. Their Complete Synthesis in an Unrestricted Economy.
- Religion and the Fine Arts as Inspiration to Creative Social Change.
- Ritual and Symbolism as Factors in Personal and Social Integration.
- Universal Principles of Organization. – The Higher Evolution of Society. Individual Life in the Higher Forms of Social Organization.
Spencer Heath
Roerich Museum Apartments
310 Riverside Drive, New York
Forums – Sunday Evenings at 8.30 P.M. directed by Spencer Heath
MASTER INSTITUTE, Department of Arts and Sciences 310 Riverside Drive at 103rd Street
The following series of topics is offered as suggestive and stimulating matter for Group Discussion.
It will be the aim of the group leader to act out the broad outlines of each topic so as to draw out individual reactions from the members of the Group, to assist each member to the most adequate expression of his particular view, and, finally, to draw together the divergent views in a harmonious integration – a new creative relationship.
It is not necessary that participants in the discussions have any special knowledge or familiarity or anything more than a genuine and serious interest in the topics.
Nov. 3rd Myth and Fable – Poetry the Mother of Science
Nov. 10th The Fine Arts as Avenues to International Peace
Nov. 17th Ritual and Symbolism as Factors in Personal
and Social Integration
Nov. 24th Emerson – The Transcendent Vision in the
Market Place
Dec. 1st The Method of Nature in Creation – From Quantity Through Variety to Quality and Beauty
Dec. 8th The Soul of the Individual – Its Salvation Through the Building of a Human Society
For further information address Director, MASTER INSTITUTE, Department of Arts and Sciences, 310 Riverside Drive, N.Y.
monument 2-5688
Spencer Heath
Butler Hall
morningside drive at 119th street
New York city
April 2, 1938
Dear Friend:
A small company will gather with me at Butler Hall, Apt. 9F, next Wednesday evening at eight (April 6th) to discuss:
and how it can be advanced.
A definite conception of the democratic principle that struggles for free expression in individual and community affairs will be presented upon the basis of facts and experiences of which we all have common knowledge — without statistics or inconclusive theories.
It is the firm intention that every person attending shall “get somewhere” in his thinking and take away with him some illuminating conception of the simple but universal principles upon which the social organization rests and its growth and development depends.
I am looking forward with pleasure to your joining us, either alone or perhaps with a friend or two who would be interested.
310 Riverside Drive, New York
announces a series of lecture-discussions conducted by
Instructor in Social and Political Science, Former Research Engineer and Specialist in the Science of Society.
Sunday Evenings at 8:00 FREE TO THE PUBLIC
Students of the Natural and Social Sciences and Students of Business Administration are especially invited to attend and participate.
Free to the Public
The Central Thought is: All Structures—Cosmic, Social, Psychic—are in process of change, both integrative and destructive. Life, Growth, Evolution are integrative change. Only integrative activities maintain the life and growth of society. The two types of action, social and anti-social, are sharply distinguished and defined, and the form and functions of society towards which creative change leads are clearly pointed out. Social growth and improvement, even where great changes are involved, is shown to be immediately profitable and advantageous to all concerned and not inimical to any class or group. Mr. Heath lays emphasis on aesthetic inspiration as the necessary motivation and thus shows the authentic function of religion and the arts as agencies of inspiration towards all creative action and social growth. Lastly, an adequate social organization is seen as the supreme environment for spiritual growth and individual self-realization.
As a natural student and investigator, Mr. Heath possesses a rich and varied background of science and philosophy from which he projects a penetrating analysis of the structure and normal processes of society as the reference basis for understanding and avoiding its present maladjustments. He is no idle theorist, having spent much of his life in active business and professional pursuits. The operation of creative principles is described in the simple language of daily life and by illustrations drawn from the most obvious facts of business experience and ordinary affairs.
Mr. Heath is available for formal or informal discussion with educational, professional and business organizations and other groups who are interested in creative social change. Apply Master Institute.
The Method of Nature in Creation—Quantity, Variety, Beauty.
Society the Crown of Creation—The Emerging Science.
The Basic Social Process—Creation by Exchange of Services.
Governmental Disemployment of Capital and of Men—Monopoly, Speculation, Collapse, Depression.
The Structure of Social Sovereignty—Proprietors and Public Servants.
The Place and Function of Democracy as a Social Technique
Can Government Become the Servant and the Savior of Society?
Religion and the Aesthetic Arts—Inspiration to Create or Impulsion to Destroy.
Can the Democratic Technique Realize the Aristocratic Ideal?
Creative Spiritual Life—An Emergence upon Social Organization.
*Topic for Next Meeting.
Spencer Heath
butler hall
mdrninqside drive at 119th street
New York City
Dear Friend:
On Wednesday the eleventh, at eight we
Will hear and discuss an outline of
Based upon
Government as a Service Agency
Owner Administration of Public Capital
For profit to its owners.
Absolute (untaxed) Ownership of all Capital.
Public Services on the Basis of Voluntary Exchange
Economic and Social Liberation by the
Building of Land Values and Rent.
Please Come.
Spencer Heath
/Penciling by Heath:/
Should the Public “Services” be Socialized into the system of voluntary exchange?
Should capital be administered productively by its owners or be seized by the community servants to be consumed and destroyed?
310 Riverside Drive at 103rd Street
Sunday Forums 8:30 P. M.
Special Topics
Human Nature vs. Animal Reactions
Society Nature’s Magnum Opus in Universal Life
The Method of Nature in Creation — Quantity, Quality, Beauty
Government the Great Automatic Servant of Society
Henry George — Herald of the Social Dawn
Aesthetic Inspiration the Corrective of Moral Fervor
Religion and the Fine Arts as Inspiration
to Creative Social Change
Emerson — The Transcendent Vision in the Market Place
Universal Freedom and the Aristocratic Ideal
You are invited to attend and participate.
There is no admission or other charge.
/Drafted in pencil and then typed:/
Dear Mr. Blank:
You are cordially invited to attend a popular exposition and group discussion of THE SCIENCE OF SOCIETY, as Natural Science.
Butler Hall, Morningside Drive at 119th St., June 15 at eight P.M.
Please be one or some of my guests,
Apartment 9F. Spencer Heath
/Added in pencil:/
Also “What Is Essential Democracy” discussion by Dr. Gordon Deming /sp?/ and Spencer Heath, Bruce Branch Library, 518 W. 125 St., June 16 at eight.
/Taken and enlarged from CREATIVE SOCIAL CHANGE above:/
The Central Thought is: All Structures — Cosmic, Social, Psychic — are in process of change, both integrative and destructive. Life, Growth, Evolution are integrative change. Only integrative activities maintain the life and growth of society. The two types of action, social and anti-social, are sharply distinguished and defined, and the form and functions of society towards which creative change leads are clearly pointed out. Social growth and improvement, even where great changes are involved, is shown to be immediately profitable and advantageous to all concerned and not inimical to any class or group. Mr. Heath lays emphasis on aesthetic inspiration as the necessary motivation and thus shows the authentic function of religion and the arts as agencies of inspiration towards all creative action and social growth. Lastly, an adequate social organization is seen as the supreme environment for spiritual growth and individual self-realization.
As a natural student and investigator, Mr. Heath possesses a rich and varied background of science and philosophy from which he projects a penetrating analysis of the structure and normal processes of society as the reference basis for understanding and avoiding its present maladjustments. He is no idle theorist, having spent much of his life in active business and professional pursuits. The operation of creative principles is described in the simple language of daily life and by illustrations drawn from the most obvious facts of business experience and ordinary affairs.
Title | Subject - 3194 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Subject |
Box number | 20:3185-3334 |
Document number | 3194 |
Date / Year | 1930 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | |
Description | Several drafts or finals of public discussion topics directed by Heath |
Keywords | Discussion Topics |