Spencer Heath's
Item 1119
Penciling by Heath on notepad paper. One page is missing.
No date
Dear Reader:
What have we learned?
First, we have seen that the Universal Energy, Will, Reality in which we live and move and have our being, and of which we are, has three modes of manifestation — as Substance, or mass; as Power, mass in motion; and as Eternity, duration or time,
That these elements of the Energy, ever changing and interchanging, combining and dissolving, always in their totality the same, yet ever self-transcending, constitute the Reality of the living, changing Cosmic World.
Mankind, as population, being from, in and of this Reality, manifests itself in the same three modes: Bodily substance, body motion — activity — and its duration or span. Hence, any generation of a population is an Energy Wave rising on the surface, as it were, of the Cosmic Reality and receding into it again. The individual himself rises and falls, so does his generation, and all is as before.
But not so when the individuals are organized beyond families and warring tribes and into a general Society with any considerable periods of peace. This they have achieved by a new relationship in which they no longer collide but practice a universal and impersonal exchange under unity of consent, mutuality of will. This golden rule relationship, a manifestation of their spiritual or creative nature, gives them a creative dominion over environment, their heritage of the world. And in this new-created, this spiritualized world, men achieve higher subsistence, existence, abundance of life and years.
In the great Society, this creative spiritual being, the abundance of its life is manifested in the lengthening of its individual lives. The average life span of its generations is raised. The successive generations, as a system of energy waves is transformed to lower frequency of death and re-birth, an increasing length of wave, a movement into time, eternity, towards the immortality of life.
Thus society is the kingdom of heaven, of creative dominion over the earth, and its function is to minister its members into an ever-increasing abundance, the immortality of creative — spiritual — life.
We will examine the creative spiritual relationship, the social technique, whence these blessings proceed.
The individual man we find high in the scale of organization of energy that rises from the quantum through its multiples into electrons, then /?/ into atoms; from atoms into molecules; molecules into structures more delicate and complex — brief-spanned but with power to reproduce — the living cells; from these into plants, animals and men; and from men, at last, though incompletely, into societies of men. Man, so organized, becomes the creative, the spiritual, man.
At every level, quantum to Society, not only does the mass and motion of the energy increase but also the duration, or span. This integrative, creative process flows from the relationship of the units, individuals, one to another. Where they collide, their energies are dissipated /?/ into other or lower forms — as in the atoms that are radioactive and short-lived when their electrons collide. So it is with a Society. It comes into being as its individuals unite under the Golden Rule of service by voluntary exchange. It falls apart as its individuals collide. And all the interacting energies of men are conserved; none is lost. What does not bless them in service and peace must curse them in conflict and war.
Beyond the narrow bonds of blood and chosen loves and specific hatreds, there are between men wide and general, impersonal relationships. These are:
- Mutual service through a general and impersonal system of finely measured and minutely divided exchanges, an economic or business system, which is the objective operation of social, impersonal, world-creative love — the working of the creative spirit in mankind like the universal photosynthesis from the sun, or
- Mutual injury by a general system of limiting, restraining and penalizing the exchanges of services as employment and as accumulated in goods. This is the generalized system of
/page marked “g” center top is missing/
The highest wisdom, then, seeks the Kingdom of Heaven, to understand the workings of its golden rule of exchange, for this is the very life of organized mankind, however much it may be overlaid by organized force or interspersed with crime and guile. To seek out the ways of this relationship and extend them is the true way of life — to seek not nor attack evil but to overcome evil with good. As heat by its nature exists without cold, light without darkness, so death is no part of life.
/Note: The closing line was amended in my hand, without indication whether it was authorized by Heath, from: “—just as light by its nature exists without darkness, heat without cold.” -MacCallum/