Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archives
Item 006
Penciled by Heath on notepad paper. Continuation of Item 4?
No date
… covers ratios and thereby understands. It is our mental (psychic) nexus between our inner and our outer world. It integrates our inner rationality with the rationality it discovers and re-cognizes in the outer and objective world, whence alone the inner rationality could be drawn and derived. It enables the self to become aware of itself in relation to the whole, to integrate (atone) its own rationality with the rationality of the whole, and thus participate in the creative process of the whole — the total whole of which it is itself a partial product, to exercise the kind of knowledge that is power, creative power — hence divine.
Romanticism, sentimentality, obsession with feelings for oneself (or imaginatively for others) is irrational, not measurable or analyzable into ratios. It is not a distinctive or distinguishably human manifestation of life but, as feeling, is common to all sentient living forms. Intellect is not particular but universal and thereby absolute, not change but the unchanging governor /?/ of change, whereby the all is cosmic and not chaotic, atomic and granular and thereby discretely associative, inherently determinant to a numerical rationality — a rationality extensive and infinite as is the abstract number-scale itself.
Rationality is an inner faculty or potentiality. It does not act upon itself. Such attempts are sterile, uncreative, at best. It must act, or rather, interact with something (with some other action, for the Cosmos is a universe of action, happenings or events). Out of such interactions intellect can select premises whereon to reason (whereas physical sense can respond only sensually) and thereby parallel subjectively in concord the outer proceeding of events to which it responds and in which it thus has power (knowledge) to participate in creative harmony.
This rational integration of the inner with the outer and objective rationality is the source of all creative (as opposed to merely empirical) technology, whether exercised in connection with the events of the non-living and of the living world, of the non-human and of the human and social world — as it may yet come to be
Commentary by Alvin Lowi, Jr.
III B.1.2 5&6
SUBJECT: Inner rationality and its interaction with outer rationality to obtain knowledge. The relationship of the romantic and sentimental feelings (non-rational, emotional).
REMARKS: Appears to be a continuation of Item 4 — a further clarification of inner and outer (objective) rationality.
Title | Subject - 6 - The Inner And The Outer |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Subject |
Box number | 1:1-116 |
Document number | 6 |
Date / Year | |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | |
Description | Penciled by Heath on notepad paper. Continuation of Item 4? |
Keywords | Epistemology |