Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 407..
Random writing
Spring 1954
The order of nature is organization — from electrons and atoms into circling worlds and suns; out of chaos into cosmos and the emergence of life. In the living world it is amoebic units into men; the animal man into the creative man, from barbaric disorder into the Organic Society, action into creation.
Call it energy, call it spirit, call it life, the revelation is never of the what, but always the how. The only great knowledge is to know how.
Never the ends but ever the ways of nature can be known, for it is in her processes that nature continues — and in steps from lower to higher processes that she proceeds.
Man is a part of all this. By his present processes he continues. Rising into wider processes he advances his present processes, both in himself as organized being and as a unit in organized society he but little knows. They are largely autonomous and unconscious. Yet they save and serve him though he knows them not, even while he is prepossessed with things that serve him not.
That alone is true which saves and serves, and knowledge of that alone is true knowledge, the knowledge of the how.
Seeking and finding such knowledge, that know-how, the mind of man becomes at one with the universal mind; he becomes a creator, and no longer a creature, of the world in which he lives.
The life of man is as a sun that rises ever higher than it sets. In his knowledge of how it rises and not of how it declines, lies his power to rise to the ever-higher zeniths of his hopes and dreams. Trust in that knowledge, the gain and practice of it, is his magnificent faith, his unfailing hope.
In the long range, from electrons to suns and stars, like bodies that collide must disintegrate and die, return to the ever-potent chaos whence they came. Not in collisions but in the singing of the stars and suns are galaxies maintained. So it is with man.
Concert without coercion, contact without collision, contract without compulsion, reciprocal yet dynamic and creative equilibrium, these are the harmonics in which life rises above death, order above chaos.
Thus it is
/Breaks off/
Title | Subject - 407 - The Order Of Nature |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Subject |
Box number | 4:350-466 |
Document number | 407 |
Date / Year | 1954 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | |
Description | Random writing |
Keywords | Inspiration Organization Knowledge Of 'how' |