Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 2201
Newspaper article about Heath in the Washington Evening Star
April 3, 1915
Spencer Heath Gives Weekly Lectures at
Just Government League Headquarters
Many Women Who Are Active in Public Work
Find Need of Knowledge on Procedure
The Suffragists are adding another bit of knowledge to their fast-growing store. This time it is Parliamentary Law. For a long time many of them have felt the need of such enlightenment on proper procedure for suffrage propaganda which calls for, among other things, innumerable meetings, and someone must preside.
Ofttimes, when arguments arise, and they very frequently do among the suffrage leaders, “Madam Chairman” has found herself in the difficult position of not knowing what to do because she wasn’t sure of her rights and prerogatives. It doesn’t take long for uncertainty on the part of a leader to make itself felt on those who cause it, and the result in some cases have been miniature pandemonium.
Mr. Heath Volunteers
But now through the kind offices and clever teachings of Spencer Heath who, among his other pursuits, is a suffragist and Single Taxer, these unwieldy meetings will be a matter of past history. Mr. Heath knows quite a lot about parliamentary law, and maybe because he saw the dire need of it has volunteered to impart his knowledge to all the suffragists who wish to learn every Tuesday afternoon at about 5 o’clock. Mrs. Heath is an active member of the Just Government League of Maryland, so she probably had a good bit to do with getting such a generous offer for the suffragists.
The lessons or lectures are to be given at the rooms of the Just Government League, 817 North Charles Street every Tuesday afternoon directly following the Suffragist “at home.” The first one was given last Tuesday, and an interested body of women were listeners. But the news of Mr. Heath’s offer had not spread generally, so the number was not so large as it promises to be next week. Out into all of the district organizations of the League the invitation to join the class has gone forth, and it has been grasped by many.
Open to All Suffragists
Especially to the district chairmen the lectures on parliamentary law appeal, for their work is largely executive and a lack of this very necessary bit of knowledge for public workers has made them much less efficient, they feel. But the invitation to join the class is not limited to the members of the Just Government League. It is open to any suffragist or anti-suffragist in the city though, of course, the latter doesn’t need it. Several chairmen of the new suffrage organization, the Women Suffrage party have joined the class. Their duties also entail frequent public meetings as well as propaganda work and the parliamentary law is going to be valuable, they believe. The lectures are scheduled to be held for an indefinite number of Tuesdays, Mr. Heath promising to see the pupils through to the finish.
Title | Article - 2201 - Women Are Learning Parliamentary Law |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Article |
Box number | 15:2181-2410 |
Document number | 2201 |
Date / Year | 1915-04-03 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | |
Description | Newspaper article about Heath in the Washington Evening Star |
Keywords | Biography |