The Spencer Heath

This series contains approximately 450 files that are either transcripts of conversations between Heath and his grandson or verbatim notes MacCallum made from such discussions.
Conversation - 258 - Once In A Blue Moon
Spencer Heath Archive Item 258 Taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath looking for…
Conversation - 257 - Utopias For The "Good Life"
Spencer Heath Archive Item 257 Taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath. No date…
Conversation - 251 - The World Of Science Grows On Its Mavericks
Spencer Heath Archive Item 251 Imprecisely quoted by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath June…
Conversation - 245 - Mass Versus Force
Spencer Heath Archives Item 245 Random taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath at…
Conversation - 243 - Nature Knows No Zeros
Spencer Heath Archive Item 243 Fragmentary taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath, transcribed…
Conversation - 242 - On Doing Good
Spencer Heath Archive Item 242 Random taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath, transcribed…
Conversation - 241 - The Universe As An Event Of Indefinite Duration
Spencer Heath Archive Item 241 Verbatim quote by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath. June…
Conversation - 240 - Our Hero Sought First To Understand The Physical Sciences
Spencer Heath Archive Item 240 Scrap recording by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath, transcribed…
Conversation - 239 - On Seeking The Mean
Spencer Heath Archive Item 239 Taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath about seeking…
Conversation - 238 - Mathematics And Logic
Spencer Heath Archive Item 238 Taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath, transcribed and…
Conversation - 236 - Everything In Nature Goes By Unities
Spencer Heath Archives Item 236 Taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath, typed onto…