The Spencer Heath

This series contains approximately 450 files that are either transcripts of conversations between Heath and his grandson or verbatim notes MacCallum made from such discussions.
Conversation - 222 - The Good Samaritan And The Landlord
Spencer Heath Archive Item 222 Taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath. No date…
Conversation - 221 - The General Diagram Of Philosophy
Spencer Heath Archive Item 221 Taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath at home…
Conversation - 219 - Body And Spirit In Creative Action
Spencer Heath Archive Item 219 Random taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath. No…
Conversation - 218 - World Saviors Never Saved The World
Spencer Heath Archive Item 218 Taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath. No date…
Conversation - 217 - The Cosmic Spectrum
Spencer Heath Archive Item 217 Taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath. April 21,…
Conversation - 215
Spencer Heath Archive Item 215 Taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath at Elkridge…
Conversation - 210 - Flesh And Spirit
Spencer Heath Archive Item 210 Taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath. No date…
Conversation - 207 - Relativistic Science The Handmaiden Of Relativistic Morality
Spencer Heath Archive Item 207 Taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath at Elkridge…
Conversation - 206 - Definitions: Theory, Theorem, Term
Spencer Heath Archive Item 206 Verbatim notes by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath June…
Conversation - 205 - Geometry And Reality
Spencer Heath Archive Item 205 Verbatim note by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath, New…
Conversation - 179 - Statute Of Uses A Common-Law Subterfuge
Spencer Heath Archive Item 179 Taping by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath. No date…
Conversation - 171 - To Start A Civilization In The Wilderness
Spencer Heath Archive Item 171 Verbatim quote by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath November…