The Spencer Heath

Made up of approximately 1250 letters from 1894 to 2014, about 1100 of the letters are from Heath between 1954 and 1962. Most of the documents are carbon copies of letters from Heath, but there are some original letters to Heath. There are also some drafts of letters composed by Heath.
Correspondence - 1935
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1935 Carbon of a letter from Heath re Citadel, Market &…
Correspondence - 1934
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1934 Extract from carbon of letter re Citadel, Market & Altar…
Correspondence - 1895
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1895 Notes dictated to Spencer MacCallum for a letter to Frank…
Correspondence - 1864
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1864 Carbon of letter from Heath, 312 Halesworth St., Santa Ana,…
Correspondence - 1863
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1863 Carbon of letter from Heath, 312 Halesworth St., Santa Ana,…
Correspondence - 1861
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1861 Carbon of letter from Heath, 312 Halesworth Street, Santa Ana,…
Correspondence - 1860
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1860 Carbon of letter from Heath at 312 Halesworth Street, Santa…
Correspondence - 1859
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1859 Carbon of letter from Heath, 312 Halesworth Street, Santa Ana,…
Correspondence - 1856
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1856 Notes for a letter to William Ernest Hocking, Madison, New…
Correspondence - 1837
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1837 Carbon of letter from Heath, 312 Halesworth St., Santa Ana,…
Correspondence - 1836
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1836 Penciled lines on a program from St. James Church, Leesburg,…
Correspondence - 1824
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1824 Penned notes for a letter to R.C. Hoiles, editor of…