The Spencer Heath

Made up of approximately 1250 letters from 1894 to 2014, about 1100 of the letters are from Heath between 1954 and 1962. Most of the documents are carbon copies of letters from Heath, but there are some original letters to Heath. There are also some drafts of letters composed by Heath.
Correspondence - 1817
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1817 Dictation to Spencer MacCallum for letter to Edgar Zilsel No…
Correspondence - 1811
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1811 Penned letter by Heath to Spencer MacCallum at Berkeley, California….
Correspondence - 1808
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1808 Exchange between Heath and Isabel Paterson, R.F.D. 1 Canal Road,…
Correspondence - 1807
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1807 Pencil notes for a letter to Marian Lewis, Winchester, Virginia….
Correspondence - 1806
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1806 Notes dictated to Spencer MacCallum for a letter to John…
Correspondence - 1805
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1805 Penned letter to Spencer MacCallum June 11, 1958 …
Correspondence - 1804
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1804 Two sets of notes on different-sized sheets of notepad paper…
Correspondence - 1803
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1803 Dictation by Heath to Spencer MacCallum for a letter to…
Correspondence - 1802
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1802 Dictation notes to MacCallum for a letter (not sent), To…
Correspondence - 1801
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1801 Penned notes for a letter to John L. Davis, President,…
Correspondence - 1795
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1795 Letter from 1240 Michigan Avenue, Chicago to Marie Holm Heath,…