The Spencer Heath

Made up of approximately 1250 letters from 1894 to 2014, about 1100 of the letters are from Heath between 1954 and 1962. Most of the documents are carbon copies of letters from Heath, but there are some original letters to Heath. There are also some drafts of letters composed by Heath.
Correspondence - 1765
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1765 Extract from a penned letter (written on two different Dates)…
Correspondence - 1764
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1764 Pencil notes for a letter to Dr. F.A. Harper re…
Correspondence - 1763
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1763 Penned draft on notepad paper for a letter to F.A….
Correspondence - 1762
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1762 Penned notes by Heath for a letter to a Mr….
Correspondence - 1761
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1761 Pencil notes by Heath for a letter to Edith Hamilton….
Correspondence - 1760
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1760 Dictation notes taken by Spencer MacCallum for a letter to…
Correspondence - 1759
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1759 Copy of a penciled letter from Heath at Elkridge to…
Correspondence - 1758
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1758 Dictation notes taken by Spencer MacCallum for a letter not…
Correspondence - 1757
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1757 Verbatim notes by Spencer MacCallum transcribed from recorded conversation with…
Correspondence - 1756
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1756 Penned notes for communication to Felix Morley January 1960 …
Correspondence - 1736
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1736 Pencil dictation taken from Heath by Spencer MacCallum (who owned…