The Spencer Heath

Made up of approximately 1250 letters from 1894 to 2014, about 1100 of the letters are from Heath between 1954 and 1962. Most of the documents are carbon copies of letters from Heath, but there are some original letters to Heath. There are also some drafts of letters composed by Heath.
Correspondence - 1735
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1735 Dictation to Spencer MacCallum for a projected letter to Russell…
Correspondence - 1730
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1730 Typed letter from Howard O. Stearns, 80 Prospect Street, Wellesley…
Correspondence - 1729
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1729 Pencil notation on the bottom of a letter from Mr….
Correspondence - 1728
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1728 Typed draft for a letter from Heath at 88 Morningside…
Correspondence - 1721
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1721 Pencil notes for a letter to Col. E.C. Harwood, Vandeusenville…
Correspondence - 1718
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1718 Penned notes for a letter to Winston Churchill Dear Mr….
Correspondence - 1714
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1714 Penned notes for a letter to Fritz L. Kunz, Editor,…
Correspondence - 1713
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1713 Carbon of letter from Heath’s daughter’s home, Rutherford House, Winchester,…
Correspondence - 1711
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1711 Carbon of a letter from Heath to John Mowbray, The…
Correspondence - 1702 - Education
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1702 Initial penned draft followed by carbon of the final revised…
Correspondence - 1697
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1697 Letter from Chauncey E. Snow, Snow & Snow, 170 S….
Correspondence - 1696
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1696 Carbon of a letter from Heath at 312 Halesworth Street,…