The Spencer Heath

Made up of approximately 1250 letters from 1894 to 2014, about 1100 of the letters are from Heath between 1954 and 1962. Most of the documents are carbon copies of letters from Heath, but there are some original letters to Heath. There are also some drafts of letters composed by Heath.
Correspondence - 1670
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1670 Carbon of a letter from Heath to E. Merrill Root….
Correspondence - 1669
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1669 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Adrian C. Moulyn,…
Correspondence - 1668
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1668 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Ayn Rand, c/o…
Correspondence - 1666
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1666 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Robert Stevens, Hamilton,…
Correspondence - 1665
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1665 Carbon of a letter from Heath to F.A. Harper, The…
Correspondence - 1664
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1664 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Frederika Blankner, Adelphi…
Correspondence - 1663
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1663 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Robert Ulrich, Harvard…
Correspondence - 1662
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1662 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Elizabeth Churchill Brown,…
Correspondence - 1661
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1661 Carbon of a letter from Heath to J. M. Barker,…
Correspondence - 1660
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1660 Carbon of a letter from Heath to 0. A. Ohmann,…
Correspondence - 1659
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1659 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Isabel Paterson, 1…
Correspondence - 1658
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1658 Carbon of a letter to Dr. Ralph D. Lillie, 3707…