The Spencer Heath

Made up of approximately 1250 letters from 1894 to 2014, about 1100 of the letters are from Heath between 1954 and 1962. Most of the documents are carbon copies of letters from Heath, but there are some original letters to Heath. There are also some drafts of letters composed by Heath.
Correspondence - 1632
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1632 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Mr. and Mrs….
Correspondence - 1631
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1631 Carbon of letter FROM Heath to Frederika Blankner, 3 South…
Correspondence - 1630 - Please Hurry Up, Mr. Hertz
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1630 Carbon of a letter of July 27, 1956, to the…
Correspondence - 1629 - The Place Of Ethics And Esthetics In The Market Phenomenon
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1629 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Josef Solterer, Department…
Correspondence - 1628
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1628 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Murray N. Rothbard,…
Correspondence - 1627
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1627 Carbon of a letter from Heath to V. Orval Watts,…
Correspondence - 1626
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1626 Carbon of a letter to Edward R. Dewey, Foundation for…
Correspondence - 1625
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1625 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Erwin Schroedinger, 26…
Correspondence - 1624
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1624 Carbon of a letter from Heath to John Chamberlain, 840…
Correspondence - 1623
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1623 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Leonard Read, 30…
Correspondence - 1622
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1622 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Arthur H. Cole,…
Correspondence - 1621
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1621 Carbon of letter to Major L.L.B. Angas, 280 Park Avenue,…