The Spencer Heath

Made up of approximately 1250 letters from 1894 to 2014, about 1100 of the letters are from Heath between 1954 and 1962. Most of the documents are carbon copies of letters from Heath, but there are some original letters to Heath. There are also some drafts of letters composed by Heath.
Correspondence - 1523
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1523 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Richard T. Hall,…
Correspondence - 1522
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1522 Carbon of a letter from Heath to John M. Cullerton,…
Correspondence - 1521
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1521 Carbon of letter from Heath to Russell Kirk, Mecosta, Michigan…
Correspondence - 1520
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1520 Carbon of letter from Heath to William E. Fort, Jr.,…
Correspondence - 1519
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1519 Carbon of letter from Heath to Louis H. Solomon, 200…
Correspondence - 1518
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1518 Letter to the Reverend Donald Harrington, 10 Park Avenue, New…
Correspondence - 1517
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1517 Carbon of a letter dictated by Heath but signed by…
Correspondence - 1516
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1516 Carbon of letter from Heath to Gilbert M. Tucker, President,…
Correspondence - 1513
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1513 Carbon of Heath’s letter from 1295 Richmond Road, Winter Park,…
Correspondence - 1512 - The Coming Divine Alternative To Political Public Administration
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1512 Typed copy of letter by Heath at 1295 Richmond Road,…
Correspondence - 1511
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1511 Letter to Russell Kirk, Michigan State College, Lansing, Michigan. March…
Correspondence - 1510 - Why Criticize The Georgist Land Argument?
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1510 Carbon of Heath’s letter to Gilbert Tucker, President, Economic Education…