The Spencer Heath

Made up of approximately 1250 letters from 1894 to 2014, about 1100 of the letters are from Heath between 1954 and 1962. Most of the documents are carbon copies of letters from Heath, but there are some original letters to Heath. There are also some drafts of letters composed by Heath.
Correspondence - 1494
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1494 Letter to Thomas Wilcox, 715 West Second Street, Los Angeles…
Correspondence - 1493
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1493 Carbon of a letter largely dictated by Heath but signed…
Correspondence - 1492
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1492 Letter to Henry Hazlitt, Editor, The Freeman Magazine, 240 Madison…
Correspondence - 1491
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1491 Letter to W.C. Mullendore, President, Southern California Edison Co., P.0….
Correspondence - 1490
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1490 Letter to Heath’s grandson, Irvan T. O’Connell, Jr., in the…
Correspondence - 1489 - Reply To A Georgist Disappointed In Heath'S Criticism Of Single Tax
Spencer Heath Item 1489 Letter to Mrs. Lloyd W. Maxwell, 1536 – 7th Avenue, San…
Correspondence - 1488
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1488 Letter to Max F. Eastman, Chilmark, Massachusetts August 20, 1953…
Correspondence - 1487
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1487 Letter to Heath from Edward McCrady, Office of the Vice-Chancellor,…
Correspondence - 1486 - Beguilement With Death: Fruit Of The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil
Heath Archive Item 1486 Carbon of letter from Heath to Edward McCrady, The University of…
Correspondence - 1485
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1485 Letter to Edmund W. Sinnott, Dean of the Graduate School,…
Correspondence - 1484
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1484 Carbon of letter from Heath to Arthur S. Madsen, 4…
Correspondence - 1483
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1483 Letter to Charles F. Noyes, 119 East 55th Street, New…