The Spencer Heath

Made up of approximately 1250 letters from 1894 to 2014, about 1100 of the letters are from Heath between 1954 and 1962. Most of the documents are carbon copies of letters from Heath, but there are some original letters to Heath. There are also some drafts of letters composed by Heath.
Correspondence - 1365 - Freedom As Choice Of Alternatives
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1365 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Ernest 0. Kooser,…
Correspondence - 1364 - Taxing Land Versus Taxing Production
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1364 Carbon of a letter to C.R. Walker, Editor, Cause and…
Correspondence - 1363
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1363 Carbon of a letter to Frederick W. Roman, Los Angeles,…
Correspondence - 1361
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1361 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Stanwood Cobb, 17…
Correspondence - 1360 - A Light In The Minds Of Men
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1360 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Frank…
Correspondence - 1359 - The Energy Concept As A Method Of Social Analysis
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1359 Carbon of a letter to Waldemar Kaempffert, Science Editor, New…
Correspondence - 1358
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1358 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Leon Sachs, The…
Correspondence - 1357
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1357 Carbon of a letter to R. Bruce Overington, Laurel, Maryland…
Correspondence - 1356
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1356 Carbon of a letter to Alexander Colin Campbell, Apartment 3,…
Correspondence - 1355
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1355 Carbon copy of a letter to William Newcomb, 8 East…
Correspondence - 1354
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1354 Carbon of a letter to Harold S. Buttenheim, 470 Fourth…
Correspondence - 1353 - Thinking In The Social Realm
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1353 Carbon of a letter to Jacques Barzun, History Department, Columbia…