The Spencer Heath

Made up of approximately 1250 letters from 1894 to 2014, about 1100 of the letters are from Heath between 1954 and 1962. Most of the documents are carbon copies of letters from Heath, but there are some original letters to Heath. There are also some drafts of letters composed by Heath.
Correspondence - 1313 - Ground Rent
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1313 Carbon of a letter from Hotel Woodstock, New York City,…
Correspondence - 1312 - Constructive Response To A Georgist
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1312 Carbons of an exchange of letters between Henry J. Foley,…
Correspondence - 1311 - Land Value
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1311 Carbon of a letter to Francis I. duPont, Number One…
Correspondence - 1310
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1310 Carbons of exchange between Heath (Roadsend Gardens, Elkridge MD) and…
Correspondence - 1309
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1309 Carbon copy of a letter from The Science of Society,…
Correspondence - 1308
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1308 Carbon of a letter to H. B. Cowan, 476 Driscoll…
Correspondence - 1307 - Questions For Beauty
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1307 Carbon of letter from Heath to Stringfellow Barr, St. John’s…
Correspondence - 1306
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1306 Carbon of letter from Raymond V. McNally to Margaret Bateman,…
Correspondence - 1305 - Emancipation From The Necessitous
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1305 Carbon copy of a letter to Miss Mildred Jensen, The…
Correspondence - 1304
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1304 Carbon of a letter from Heath to F. Morgan Barr,…
Correspondence - 1303
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1303 Letter by Heath to S.A. Schneidman June 1, 1940 …