The Spencer Heath

Made up of approximately 1250 letters from 1894 to 2014, about 1100 of the letters are from Heath between 1954 and 1962. Most of the documents are carbon copies of letters from Heath, but there are some original letters to Heath. There are also some drafts of letters composed by Heath.
Correspondence - 1289
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1289 Carbon of letter from Heath to Robert Langer, 231 West…
Correspondence - 1288
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1288 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Richard T. Ely,…
Correspondence - 1287
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1287 Carbon of a letter from Heath in New York, to…
Correspondence - 1986
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1286 Carbon of a letter to Richard T. Ely, 551 Fifth…
Correspondence - 1285
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1285 Penned letter to Heath from Olive Rush, 630 Canyon Road,…
Correspondence - 1284
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1284 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Carl G. Hempel,…
Correspondence - 1283
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1283 carbon of a letter from Heath to Samuel Chugerman, 44…
Correspondence - 1282 - Faith In Salvation Through Compulsive Public Education
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1282 Carbons of a form letter sent out October 30 (see…
Correspondence - 1281 - Henry George Vs. Herbert Spencer On The Land Question
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1281 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Benjamin W. Burger,…
Correspondence - 1280 - Capital: A Societal Manifestation
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1280 Carbon of a letter to Gilbert M. Tucker, Box 54,…
Correspondence - 1279 - Towards A Scientific Analysis Of Social Phenomena
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1279 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Rudolph M. Binder,…
Correspondence - 1278
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1278 Carbon of a letter from Heath to James K. Senior,…