The Spencer Heath

Made up of approximately 1250 letters from 1894 to 2014, about 1100 of the letters are from Heath between 1954 and 1962. Most of the documents are carbon copies of letters from Heath, but there are some original letters to Heath. There are also some drafts of letters composed by Heath.
Correspondence - 1277
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1277 Carbon of a letter to James K. Senior, Department of…
Correspondence - 1276
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1276.. Carbon copy of a letter to Mr. John S. Codman,…
Correspondence - 1274
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1274 Carbon from Heath to John S. Codman, 222 Summer Street,…
Correspondence - 1272
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1272 Form letter sent to a number of participants in the…
Correspondence - 1271
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1271 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Emerson Goble, Editor,…
Correspondence - 1270
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1270 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Emerson Goble, Editor,…
Correspondence - 1269 - The Coming Sound Business Of Supplying Public Services Starting With Abolition Of Taxation
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1269 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Franklin Wentworth, 30…
Correspondence - 1267
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1267 Carbon of letter from Heath to Harry Grant Atkinson, Managing…
Correspondence - 1266
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1266 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Percy W. Bridgman,…
Correspondence - 1265
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1265 Carbon of a letter to Mr. Willcox August 29, 1939…
Correspondence - 1264
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1264 Sample of a letter from Heath at Roadsend Gardens, Elkridge…
Correspondence - 1263
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1263 Carbon of a letter from Heath to Clifford H. Kendal,…