The Spencer Heath

Made up of approximately 1250 letters from 1894 to 2014, about 1100 of the letters are from Heath between 1954 and 1962. Most of the documents are carbon copies of letters from Heath, but there are some original letters to Heath. There are also some drafts of letters composed by Heath.
Correspondence - 1223 - The Social Function Of Mr. Henry Ford
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1223 Carbon copy of letter from 434 West 120th Street, New…
Correspondence - 1222
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1222 Copy of letter to Heath at 434 West 120th Street,…
Correspondence - 1121
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1221 Fragment of carbon of letter from Heath to Kendal, judging…
Correspondence - 1120
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1220 Carbon copy of letter to Mr. Adam Schantz, III, Chairman,…
Correspondence - 1219 - Service By Measured Exchange
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1219 Carbon of letter from Heath in New York to Clifford…
Correspondence - 1218 - The Interest Of Land Owners To Abolish Taxation
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1218 Carbon of a letter from 434 West 120th Street, New…
Correspondence - 1217 - The Single Tax, Its Rationale And Resolution
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1217 Carbon of letter from Heath at 310 Riverside Drive, New…
Correspondence - 1215
Spencer Heath Archive Carbon of letter from Spencer Heath to Henrietta Grey, School of…
Correspondence - 1214
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1214 Carbon of letter from Spencer Heath to Hon. Wm. F….
Correspondence - 1213
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1213. Carbon of letter by Heath from The Poinciana, 434 West…
Correspondence - 1211 - Pure And Applied Science And The Fine Arts
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1211 Carbon of a letter to Robert T.K. Murray, Montgomery Road,…
Correspondence - 1210 - The Light Bearers
Spencer Heath Archive Item 1210 Carbon of letter to Lewis Lane August 10, 1937 …