
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 2337

Letter to Heath at Roadsend Gardens, Elkridge, Maryland, from Robert Tideman, Executive Secretary, Henry George School of Social Science, 833 Market Street, San Francisco 3, California, April 4, 1961, and Heath’s response of May 5, 1961


Dear Mr. Heath:


The School in Northern California is developing an advanced course based upon the critics of Henry George. We should like very much to be able to supply our students with your five pamphlets


“Private Property in Land Explained”

“Society and Its Services”

“The Trojan Horse of Land Reform”

“Shorter Criticism of the Economic Argument of Henry George”

“Progress and Poverty Reviewed”


Would it be possible for you to supply 25 copies of each, with your bill?


All this material will receive intelligent and sympathetic consideration.

Sincerely yours,

/s/ Robert Tideman

Executive Secretary



P.S.: I am sending this same letter to your address, 11 Waverly Place, NYC, being unsure of your present location.




Carbon of letter from Heath at 462 West Hall, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont CA, responding to Robert Tideman, Executive Secretary, Henry Gorge School of Social Science, 833 Market Street, San Francisco, CA

May 5, 1961


Dear Mr. Tideman:


I was very happy to meet with you and your associates in San Francisco recently and to have you as my luncheon quests at the Whitcomb Hotel.


Referring to your letter of April 4, in addition to the printed matter I left with you in San Francisco I am now sending you under separate cover


6 Progress and Poverty Reviewed

6 Society and its Services

6 The Gospel in Our Time

1 The Trojan Horse of Land Reform


If you need any more of the above I can now supply them from here.


Yours for a growing understanding of the wonder and beauty of our voluntary social institutions, as opposed to the political and coercive,




Spencer Heath



Title Correspondence - 2337
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Correspondence
Box number 15:2181-2410
Document number 2337
Date / Year 1961-04-04
Authors / Creators / Correspondents Robert Tideman
Description Letter to Heath at Roadsend Gardens, Elkridge, Maryland, from Robert Tideman, Executive Secretary, Henry George School of Social Science, 833 Market Street, San Francisco 3, California, April 4, 1961, and Heath’s response of May 5, 1961
Keywords Single Tax