Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 3130
Pencilings by Spencer MacCallum and Beatrice O’Connell, Secretary and Treasurer respectively of the Science of Society Foundation, for a meeting of the Foundation in August, 1958, at which MacCallum proposed a quarterly or bimonthly journal entitled “The Alternative,” in a format like that of Progressive Calvinism.
Contract — the only way of achieving balanced, reciprocal relations throughout a large population.
The alternative is contract
The alternative is proprietary administration
The alternative to domination is reciprocal service.
The alternative is freedom. In this journal we hope to present the emerging alternatives in all spheres of human activity to political, authoritarian administration. Relations among men on a wide scale can be of two fundamental kinds and none other — coercive or voluntary. The alternative to . . .
The “ALTERNATIVE” could properly sponsor
- Chodorov’s Solution to the Public Schools
- Heath’s Solution to the National Traffic Problem
- Riegel’s Solution to Currency Devaluation
- Heath’s Solution to the Suez Situation
- Heath’s Solution to Political Public Administration
/Note by O’Connell that the journal would carry a regular feature by John Chamberlain as a paid contributor./
/On the back of this page and crossed out is the following:/
In a letter of May 21st to Dr. W.M. Curtiss, of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), Heath and MacCallum accepted an invitation to be guests of the Foundation from June 17th to 28th and participate in a two-weeks “Summer Seminar” on freedom and economics.
. . . and measured objectively and impartially by the ratios of the market, the contractual relationship is capable of becoming universal. It is in precisely those parts of the world where contract has in very recent times become general that people are freed from starvation and have more than doubled their life span in a century. It is in these countries that men are practicing most widely among themselves, however unknowingly, the divine command of mutual service.
By letter of May 21st, Leonard Read, president of the FEE, Irvington, N.Y., writes that he has made use of our concept of free enterprise as the objective practice of the Golden Rule in a short statement entitled “The FEE Idea,” which will appear on the back cover of FEE reprints and other places.
Title | Subject - 3130 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Subject |
Box number | 19:3031-3184 |
Document number | 3130 |
Date / Year | |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | |
Description | Pencilings by Spencer MacCallum and Beatrice O’Connell, Secretary and Treasurer respectively of the Science of Society Foundation, for a meeting of the Foundation in August, 1958, at which MacCallum proposed a quarterly or bimonthly journal entitled “The Alternative,” in a format like that of Progressive Calvinism. |
Keywords | SSF FEE MacCallum O'Connell Chamberlain |