Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1472
Carbon of letter from Heath to John Chamberlain, Cheshire, Connecticut.
Spring, 1953
Dear John:
I never heard anything from Henry Regnery since my letter of December 12, 1953, with your personal note attached. Seems he must have his mind made up about my mss. What do you think? Do you suppose there is any competent publisher to whom I could really “sell” the mss ideologically and then go ahead on the “vanity” plan?
I wrote to Russell Kirk commending his work and urging the great need of a “dynamic non-political conservatism.” He replied very cordially saying he was about to write along that line for Regnery to publish in the fall. Here is the second paragraph of his pretty long letter:
“Aye, conservatism greatly needs a positive program; and I am going to try to outline just that in a little book of mine which I shall write soon; which Henry Regnery expects to publish in the fall. I shall be grateful for all your suggestions regarding an enlightened and dynamic conservatism. Perhaps I shall be able to send you chapters of this book from time to time, since some portions may be published in periodicals before the book appears.”
I have written him at considerable length and with some reference to my own mss, thinking he may ask to see it.
Is this “Land Question” really a dead horse or are there editors who can see its timeliness and would like to expose it? Seems to me all it needs is some published writer’s name behind it or similar sponsorship. I am spoiling to get something started and spend time and money on it.
Formation of the Science of Society Foundation, as per enclosed statement of purpose, is in the hands of Attorney Louis Solomon in New York for attention to legal formalities. Would you be one of its trustees? And can you suggest some others who would be suitable and might consent?
And what about Regnery?
I left New York in late January. Grandson went with me for a nice visit at Sewanee, Tennessee. He went back to Princeton (Art and Religion major) and I came on down here for the cold spell. I surely do miss seeing you and you-all, as we-all say it. It is a rare kind of pleasure to have friendship with a mind so crystal clear of fog and fixations and a personality so free from self-serving stratagem and petty personal egoism. (How much better had I stated your qualities in the positive!) Tell me something about the ideas you have had in mind and what doing about them. All my best also to Peggy and to the heart charming charges under your happy nurture and
Enc. Statement of Purposes
Title | Correspondence - 1472 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 10:1336-1499 |
Document number | 1472 |
Date / Year | 1953 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | John Chamberlain |
Description | Carbon of letter from Heath to John Chamberlain, Cheshire, Connecticut |
Keywords | SSF CMA Conservatism Kirk Autobiography |