Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1613
Carbon of a letter from Heath to John Chamberlain.
April 10, 1957
Dear John:
Anent the need for exposing the widely current fallacies of land communism, we do make some progress, even though it be like the speed of a glacier. To wit, my good old friend, John S. Codman, after many years of resistance as a Henry George man, has at last practically capitulated. Years ago, and for a long time, I thought he might be sperate; for he was a very substantial man in many respects, mentally, morally and economically. He went so far as to invite me to present the positive aspect of land administration to the Real Estate Board in Boston, which I did. But all to no avail so far as he was concerned. So, I have been practically out of communication with him in recent years. His letter of February 22nd, copy of which I enclose, speaks for itself.
Then, there is Murray Rothbard, for a long time and happily a disciple of von Mises, now taking new views with respect to land communism. Murray seems to be heading a small group of von Mises students with similar new ideas. Maybe Rothbard et al are only concerned with the fallacies of land communism, and haven’t caught very much of the function of land ownership as the administration of community services. Nevertheless,
this latter is implicit in their revolt against the old ideas, and progress is being made. This is especially apparent in the fact of Leonard Read taking up Rothbard’s attack on land communism and publicizing it, after being for some years indifferent to my own exposure (and yours) in Progress & Poverty Reviewed.
Also, young Hugh P. King writes that he sent a copy of the new version of “Why the Henry George Idea Does Not Prevail” to his father, Dr. Wilford King, and received back a very favorable comment on it.
Well, here goes for now; hoping to see you before too long. CM&A is on the press.
Encl: Rothbard article on Single Tax.
Codman letter 2/22/57.
“Why the H.G. Idea Does Not Prevail” (revised)
Title | Correspondence - 1613 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 11:1500-1710 |
Document number | 1613 |
Date / Year | 1957-04-10 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | John Chamberlain |
Description | Carbon of a letter from Heath to John Chamberlain |
Keywords | Single Tax |