Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1620
Carbon of letter to L.L.B. Angas, Saxtons River, Vermont
June 18, 1957
Dear Major Angas:
I am quite overwhelmed by your letter of June 13th. Of course, I am always hoping for such reception of the ideas set out in my book, feeling that they have considerable merit of their own apart from my personal affection for them. I greatly appreciate your assurance as to this.
I particularly like your recognition of the essential unity [of CM&A]. Some friends have thought that unity lacking and that I had, really, three separate books. I tried my best to bring out the correlation between the natural sciences, with their uniform laws, and the established uniform practices, productive and creative, that constitute our business system, and, lastly, that this creativity is the foundation of everything that we like to think of——often too separately——as our spiritual world.
I appreciate very much your “COURSE ON CAPITALISM.” It Is very fine, and I expect to profit by it. My own little Foundation has a set of Purposes that are both very narrow and very broad, in that they exclude everything that is fundamentally coercive or political while including practically everything that springs spontaneously out of such measures of freedom as the human spirit has achieved. A statement of these Purposes is enclosed. My own Foundation is very young and very small, yet it may be that some of your highly practical contributions can be advanced by it if and when it has sufficiently developed.
For some years, I have found your judgments of business trends fascinating and much better founded than most. Just now, I am wondering what you are thinking about tax-exempt municiples in their present decline.
Again thanking you for your wonderful letter, I am
Sincerely yours,
Encl: Purposes SSF
Title | Correspondence - 1620 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 11:1500-1710 |
Document number | 1620 |
Date / Year | 1957-06-18 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | L. L. B. Angas |
Description | Carbon of letter to L.L.B. Angas, Saxtons River, Vermont |
Keywords | CMA Purposes SSF |