Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1803
Dictation by Heath to Spencer MacCallum for a letter to Mr. Cormach /sp?/
No date
Dear Mr. Cormach:
We were pleased to note via Land & Liberty that you are the author of a more or less critical review of Henry
George’s Progress and Poverty. Since Land & Liberty doesn’t publish your review but does publish Mr. Blundell’s /?/ criticism of it, we would like very much to have a copy of your review for comparison.
By way of partial recompense, we are sending you a copy of our own definitive review of the same work, trusting you will find it convenient to put us in the way of obtaining one of yours.
Thanking you in advance and assuring you of our best wishes, we remain awaiting your acknowledgments,
Very truly yours,
Encl: Progress and Poverty Reviewed with supplement
“Society and Its Services”
Title | Correspondence - 1803 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 12:1711-1879 |
Document number | 1803 |
Date / Year | |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | Mr. Cormach |
Description | Dictation by Heath to Spencer MacCallum for a letter to Mr. Cormach /sp?/ |
Keywords | Single Tax |