Spencer Heath's
Spencer Heath Archive
Item 1946
Exchange between George Resch, 651 Lake Crest Drive, Menasha, Wisconsin, August 21, 1959, and Heath, Science of Society Fdn, Inc., Elkridge MD.
October 10, 1959
Dear Mr. Heath:
It was certainly a pleasant surprise to meet you at the Claremont Institute after several years. I enjoyed the conference a great deal both from the standpoint of the speakers and of the numerous interesting contacts I was able to make.
I trust that your visit to the Freedom School was a pleasant and stimulating one. Bob has a lot of zeal for that sort of thing and, of course, has absolutely no use for sovereignty of any kind, unless, of course, it be individual sovereignty. After I returned home I found myself temporarily out of work and strongly considered going out to the school for the second week of Frank Chodorov’s course on history. Tranportation difficulties were such however that I didn’t feel it would be worthwhile.
Last year when Chodorov lectured at the school he began to work single-tax theory into the scheme. Bob called him on it and called the single-tax a “panacea” and finally Frank admitted that it was. Chodorov has a great deal of faith in the free market and yet he has this distrust and disgust with the land lord. It would seem that if private property and especially property in land is the foundation of a free society it is an almost schizoid state of mind to start with a distrust of the foundation and yet end with a faith in the overall edifice. I would be interested to know how you enjoyed the school.
In keeping with my promise at Claremont I am writing as you requested to remind you of your very kind offer of a copy of Citadel Market and Altar. I would appreciate it if you could send a copy of your review of Progress & Property 26pp. and also a copy of the folder containing the reactions and comments to your solution to Suez.
I have given some further thought to the idea we discussed at Claremont of having you deliver your series of lectures The Christian Doctrine of Man at Lawrence College in the fall term. I do not have a copy of the school calendar as yet and thus am unable to speak at all in terms of a definite time yet. If you are at all interested in the idea why don’t you drop me a line mentioning some of the details of the presentation such as the spacing of the lectures to each other, fees, etc.? I think this could be worked into something worthwhile.
I hope Spencer is coming along alright in his hotel research. Please give him my regards if you will. I would appreciate his present address too.
Cordially yours,
/s/ George Resch
Dear George: October 10, 1959
I was happy to have your reminder of my promise to
send you with my compliments a. copy of Citadel, Market
and Altar. It was mailed to you September 19th, personally inscribed. Along with it I sent two copies each:
Society and its Services
The Organization of Real estate
The Trojan Horse of Land Reform
The Economic Argument of Henry George
The Christian Doctrine of Man
I hope you have found these of interest and of some possible use. Bob Lefevre asked me for several additional copies of Society and its Services, saying that he had some special use for them. This may tie up with what you
say about an attempt to work single-tax theory into the
Freedom School. The popular (and official) animus against
land lords is, of course a hangover from the eighteenth
century when in all the Western world they alone exercised political power. Until the social function of modern property in land, namely, the contractual distribution of sites and resources and all the net public services and advantages available through them, is known and understood, there is no sound and satisfying argument in favor of the institution.
I was delighted at your suggestion of the possibility of talks and discussions by me at Lawrence College in Kenosha. My reply to it has been delayed partly on account of some uncertain business here and in New York that has delayed the fixing of a definite time for me to travel west again. However, it is my present expectation to leave here about the second week in November for a series of faculty talks and discussions by me at Claremont and other colleges in Southern California, with stop-overs at Chicago and Colorado Springs en route. Possibly I can work out something with you at that time. I should be most happy to do so. The dates would need to be fairly close together on account of the time. Since I would be representing the Science of Society Foundation, a non-profit organization, there would be no fees. However, any modest contribution to the expense of travel etc., would be acceptable though not necessarily required. My two visits to the Freedom School were wonderful and I look forward to more.
Spencer is doing wonderfully and going strong. His address: 60 Richardson Road, Berkeley, California.
Mr. George Resch
651 Lake Srest Drive Menasha,Wis
C M & A being mailed Sept 19, 1959 in response to his letter of August 21, 1959 Inscribed personally
His letter of August 21 not yet answered
Enclosed with Book:
Appreciations, pasted in
2 Society & its Services
2 Organization of R. Est.
2 McGlyn
2 Econ. Arg. of H. G. 2 Christ Doctrine of Man
Title | Correspondence - 1946 |
Collection Name | Spencer Heath Archive |
Series | Correspondence |
Box number | 13:1880-2036 |
Document number | 1946 |
Date / Year | 1959-10-10 |
Authors / Creators / Correspondents | George Resch |
Description | Exchange between George Resch, 651 Lake Crest Drive, Menasha, Wisconsin, August 21, 1959, and Heath, Science of Society Fdn, Inc., Elkridge MD. |
Keywords | Single Tax Freedom School Chodorov |