
Spencer Heath's


Spencer Heath Archive

Item 2983

Carbon of letter from F.A. Harper to Frank B. Keith, Assistant Headmaster, Keith School, 1715 North Second Street, Rockford, Illinois, for use in applying for tax exempt status for the Science of Society Foundation. (Note many inaccuracies in third paragraph.)

February 18, 1960




Dear Mr. Keith:


Your preliminary interest in The Science of Society Foundation relates to a fascinating venture in social science research, deserving of your continued attention, in my opinion.


 The Foundation was established to implement, in his later years and beyond, a major project of research in social science along the mature interests of a phenomenal man and mind – Mr. Spencer Heath.


 Mr. Heath had a long and successful career in law; published a Table of Parliamentary Procedure used by the Congressional Judiciary Committee; became a Chief Patent Counsel; invented several notable items including the telephone transmitter, the flat disc method of making “talking machine records”, early ap­proximations of the helicopter principle, and the reversible pitch propeller of current airplane usage. He developed mass production of airplane propellers, by which he was able to pro­duce about three-fourths of those we used in World War I.


 Thirty years ago he sold his company and patents to Bendix Aviation and assigned the major concern of his remaining years and financial means to trying to help solve the riddle: Why has there been so much progress in natural science (in which he had demonstrated rare    understanding and creativity), and so little in social science? It is to that question that The Science of Society Foundation is devoted, in its research and subsequent publications as pieces of research and investigation are com­pleted. The book “Citadel, Market and Altar”, acclaimed by leading minds of the world, is an early exhibit of the potential of work of this Foundation. Better than anything else, if one will read that book he will grasp the most important un­answered questions of our time, which Mr. Heath, through this Foundation, wants to help solve for the benefit of all mankind – without personal gain or favor to himself or any pre-selected group of friends or relatives.




F. A. Harper



Mr. Frank B. Keith, Assistant Headmaster

Keith School

1715 North Second Street

Rockford, Illinois



Title Correspondence - 2983
Collection Name Spencer Heath Archive
Series Correspondence
Box number 18:2845-3030
Document number 2983
Date / Year 1960-02-18
Authors / Creators / Correspondents Frank B. Keith
Description Carbon of letter from F.A. Harper to Frank B. Keith, Assistant Headmaster, Keith School, 1715 North Second Street, Rockford, Illinois, for use in applying for tax exempt status for the Science of Society Foundation. (Note many inaccuracies in third paragraph.)
Keywords SSF Harper