The Spencer Heath

Made up of approximately 1250 letters from 1894 to 2014, about 1100 of the letters are from Heath between 1954 and 1962. Most of the documents are carbon copies of letters from Heath, but there are some original letters to Heath. There are also some drafts of letters composed by Heath.
Correspondence - 3201
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3201 Carbon of letter to Clarence E. Manion, 403 St. Joseph…
Correspondence - 3187
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3187 Postcard from V.G. Peterson, Robert Schalkenbach Foundation, 50 East 69th…
Correspondence - 3186
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3186 Three postcards to Heath from grandson Irvan Thomas O’Connell at…
Correspondence - 3185
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3185 Typed letter to Heath from physicist grandson Crawford John MacCallum…
Correspondence - 3182
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3182 Carbon of letter to Dorothy Canfield Fisher, Arlington VT January…
Correspondence - 3181
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3181 Carbon of letter from Heath to C. Chester Lane, The…
Correspondence - 3180
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3180 Carbon of letter to John Chamberlain January 8, 1957 …
Correspondence - 3164
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3164 Typed tentative letter by Heath, never sent, to Upton Close…
Correspondence - 3155
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3155 Typed draft of letter from Heath in Winter Park, Florida,…
Correspondence - 3136
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3136 Carbon of letter from Heath to Francis I. DuPont, Number…
Correspondence - 3135
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3135 Letter to Heath at Elkridge, Md. from Gladwin Bouton, Tenafly,…