The Spencer Heath

Made up of approximately 1250 letters from 1894 to 2014, about 1100 of the letters are from Heath between 1954 and 1962. Most of the documents are carbon copies of letters from Heath, but there are some original letters to Heath. There are also some drafts of letters composed by Heath.
Correspondence - 3076
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3076 Harvey Mudd College Correspondence – to, from and about with…
Correspondence - 3075
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3075 Correspondence with John L. Davis, President, Chapman College,…
Correspondence - 3073
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3073 Claremont Men’s College Correspondence – to, from and about the…
Correspondence - 3072
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3072 Hocking Correspondence – To, from and about William Ernest Hocking,…
Correspondence - 3071
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3071 Pound Correspondence – to, by and about Roscoe Pound, Law…
Correspondence - 3070
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3070 Correspondence between Heath and Percy W. Bridgman, Lyman Laboratory of…
Correspondence - 3069
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3069 Knowville Correspondence – to, from and about the Knoxville, Tennessee…
Correspondence - 3068
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3068 Form letter from William F. Buckley, Jr., with Heath’s response…
Correspondence - 3066
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3066 Carbon of letter from Spencer MacCallum, Secretary, to William E….
Correspondence - 3065
Spencer Heath Archive 3065 Letter from Leonard E. Read, President, The Foundation for Economic Education,…
Correspondence - 3064
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3064 Mises Correspondence – to, from and about Ludwig von Mises….
Correspondence - 3062
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3062 Thayer Lindsley-Heath Correspondence 1960 T. Lindsley 230 Park…