The Spencer Heath

This series contains approximately 450 files that are either transcripts of conversations between Heath and his grandson or verbatim notes MacCallum made from such discussions.
Conversation - 3178
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3178 Typed page by Spencer MacCallum casting Heath’s ideas in his…
Conversation - 3177
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3177 Typed transcriptions by Spencer MacCallum of two fragments by Heath…
Conversation - 3176
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3176 Two typed transcriptions by Spencer MacCallum from conversations with Heath…
Conversation - 3175
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3175 Typed transcription by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath at…
Conversation - 3174
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3174 Typed transcription by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath at…
Conversation - 3173
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3173 Typed transcription by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath at…
Conversation - 3171
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3171 Three typed transcriptions and one recollection by Spencer MacCallum from…
Conversation - 3170
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3170 Four brief transcriptions by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath…
Conversation - 3169
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3169 Two typed transcriptions by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath….
Conversation - 3168
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3168 Recording by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath July 5,…
Conversation - 3166
Spencer Heath Item 3166 Typed transcription by Spencer MacCallum from conversation with Heath at the…