The Spencer Heath

Made up of approximately 1250 letters from 1894 to 2014, about 1100 of the letters are from Heath between 1954 and 1962. Most of the documents are carbon copies of letters from Heath, but there are some original letters to Heath. There are also some drafts of letters composed by Heath.
Correspondence - 3102
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3102 Letter to Heath at 312 Halesworth, Santa Ana, CA, from…
Correspondence - 3101
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3101 Letter to Heath at Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California from…
Correspondence - 3100
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3100 Penned note to Heath on a Christmas card from Margaret…
Correspondence - 3099
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3099 MacCallum Correspondence – to, from and about Heath’s grandson Spencer…
Correspondence - 3098
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3098 Grodman Correspondence – to, from, by, and about Pyrrha Gladys…
Correspondence - 3097
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3097 Kershner Correspondence – to, by, and about Howard E. Kershner,…
Correspondence - 3096
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3096 Read Correspondence – to, from, by and about Leonard E….
Correspondence - 3095
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3095 LeFevre Correspondence – by, from and about Robert LeFevre, president,…
Correspondence - 3094
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3094 Chamberlain Correspondence – to, from and about John Chamberlain, 840…
Correspondence - 3093
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3093 Root Correspondence – to, from and about E. Merrill Root,…
Correspondence - 3092
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3092 Smith Correspondence – to, from and about Dick Smith 1960-1961…
Correspondence - 3091
Spencer Heath Archive Item 3091 Solomon Correspondence – to, from and about Louis H. Solomon…